New Subjects of Entrepreneurship in Russia – Self-Employed Persons
Self-Employed, Special Tax, Tax on ProfessionalAbstract
The article is dedicated to novelties in regulation of entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation, regulation of rights of individuals residing in the Russian Federation and a number of other states: Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, and Belarus, to carry out professional activities and receive incomes in the self-employed status in conditions of application of the special tax regime Tax on Professional Activities. The experiment of introducing self-employed persons started on January 1, 2019. It was conducted initially in four subjects of the Russian Federation, and then it was extended to 23 regions. Starting from July 1, 2020, it will be applied throughout the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. The number of self-employed persons is increasing with each passing month of the experiment. In our opinion, the emergence of a new subject in addition to pre-existing legal forms of entrepreneurship (private entrepreneurs, public and non-public joint stock companies, limited liability companies, etc.) allows individuals, including citizens of a number of states, as we see, not only to raise additional income but also use their professional skills and abilities. Activities of self-employed persons cover a significant number of professions, and specialties, except for only some of them mentioned in the article. The loyal tax regime for self-employed persons will allow them to make a decision based on their will either to be employed and dependent on position, and sometimes on employer’s mood or to fulfill themselves, perhaps, in danger of adequate revenue loss but with beliefs in own abilities and skills. Settling down to a course of this type of entrepreneurial activity, the market environment should be taken into account and economical segments where a service or goods produced by a self-employed person will be sold should be analyzed.
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