Review on Volumes of Foreign Economic Operations with Agricultural Products
Agricultural Products, Foreign Economic Activity, OperationsAbstract
One of the main tasks for the state is approximation of the Ukrainian legislation to the EU Member States’ legislation in the area of trade and economic relations. For Ukraine, as an independent state, which today faces serious economic problems, the important task is to decide how to take the path of sustainable development of the economy, tax and financial system in the context of the European integration. Ukrainian agriculture and food industry are not sufficiently integrated into the international trading system, as evidenced by the low percentage of exports and imports of agricultural and food products in gross agricultural production. In recent years, in Ukraine, the percentage of exports of agricultural and food products was 16%, compared to 25% in Poland and 53% in France and Germany. Therefore, it is very important for Ukraine to improve the level of competitiveness for domestic products. The article describes the dynamics of agri-food exports and imports into countries, and it has been found a negative trade balance. The commodity structure of exports and imports of Ukrainian agricultural products is discussed. The reasons for the steady growth of imports are substantiated. Measures to improve the trade balance have been proposed.
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