Women's Collective Model Approach in Resource Distribution
Autonomy, Education, Ownership of AssetsAbstract
This study was conducted in Kabwe city of Zambia during June to august 2017. The city was divided in to three zones – more developed, medium developed and backward. From each zone one area, i.e., Highridge, Katundo and Makululu, respectively, was selected. The purpose of study was to know the impact of intra-household resource distribution on woman’s bargaining power. Logit model was used to find out the relationship between dependent and independent variables. The study revealed positive impact of age and education on bargaining power of woman in the household. Asset ownership also had significant impact on the bargaining power of woman. The study recommended to constitute a new higher education policy to encourage women to pursue higher education and to reduce drop-outs. It is also recommended that the women should be made owners of assets in the household through legislation
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