E-Commerce Opportunities and Challenges in India - Customer Perspective
E-Commerce, Innovation, Business Transactions, EntrepreneurshipAbstract
E-Commerce refers to use of internet for commercial and/or business transactions. This articles focus on digitally enabled commercial and/or business transactions. Electronic commerce is a business model which allows an individuals and firms to buy and sell products over the web. E-commerce includes four main market segments like Business to Consumer, Business to Business, Consumer to Consumer and Consumer to Business. The purposes of the study are to identify the perspective of customers on opportunities and challenges in the e-commerce, to identify performance of e-commerce and also to address the challenges in the e-commerce market in India. Researcher has adopted descriptive research and presented the research work with the support of descriptive statistics and weighted average ranking score method. 42% of respondents said that Business to Consumer (B2C) and 38% of the respondents said that Consumer to Consumer (C2C) are the major business models that customer use in the e-commerce platform. No respondent said that they use the Government to Business (G2B) ecommerce model. It is suggested that e-commerce companies have to leverage their business transaction through the more added features like online payment, service availability of 24*7, faster transaction and timeliness of the transaction.
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