Benefits of Company Evaluation Exploratory Studies: Economic and Social
Culture, Creativity, Enterprise Benefit, EvaluationAbstract
As China’s political and cultural center, science and technology innovation center, Beijing has always been at the forefront of cultural and creative industries. In recent years, thanks to policies such as mass entrepreneurship and internet plus, Beijing's cultural and creative industries have ushered into a new era. The purpose of this study was to create a benefit evaluation system for the cultural and creative industries that are of great importance to society and government. This study used Delphi method to build a preliminary evaluation model, conducted questionnaires, conducted and interpreted factor analysis, and drew a conclusion on the factors that comprise of a comprehensive benefit evaluation system. The study shows that evaluation index system of cultural and creative enterprises mainly includes two parts: economic benefit index and social benefit index. For economic benefit index, the evaluation involves income level, brand value, cost input and economic drive effect. While for social benefit index, besides the usual tax contribution and employment contribution, it should also include indicators reflecting such characteristics of cultural and creative industries as brand demonstration effect, social morality drive effect, education effect and social capital. Hence, the benefits of the cultural and creative industries are demonstrated not only in generating more value for the region’s economy but also in creating social value
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