Growth Performance Comparison of Sex Reversed Oreochromis Macrochir
Aquaculture, Commercial feed, Feed Conversion RatioAbstract
A study was carried out at the National Aquaculture Research and Development Centre, Fish Farm, to evaluate the effect of 17α-Methyltestosterone on the growth performance of fry of Oreochromis andersonii, Oreochromis macrochir and Oreochromis niloticus raised for a period of ninety day. The first 21 days, the fry (0.04g±0.001) across all treatments were fed on commercial feed incorporated with 17α-Methyltestosterone for the purpose of achieving sex reversal to all males and were held in 1m x 1m x 1.3 mhapas installed in a 400 m2 semi concrete pond, at a stocking density of 250 fry per hapa and replicated three times in a completely randomized design. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the final weight gain among the species of O. andersonii (1.8240±0.067g), O. macrochir (2.6830±0.3220g) and O. niloticus (2.3960±0.2230g). The Body weight gain (g), Specific growth rates (SGR) and Apparent feed conversion ratios didn’t significantly differ (P>0.05) among the treatments.
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